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SynFU is distributed as a platform independent python-egg. You can either download the egg from PyPi the Python package index, unpack it and run like this:

~/> curl -O

~/> tar -xzf SynFu-0.4.11.tar.gz

~/> cd SynFU-0.4.11

~/> sudo python ./ install

Or simply issue the command sudo easy_install SynFU.

Either way will install SynFU in your python site-packages directory and create a set of wrapper scripts in /usr/bin [1].


Configuration is done in the file synfu.conf. This file contains three YAML streams defining the settings for SynFU.Reactor as well as SynFu.News2Mail/SynFu.Mail2News and SynFU.Imp.

Each configuration section starts with a tag in the form:

--- !<,YEAR:synfu/MODULE>

With YEAR marking the initial release of a module and MODULE identifying the specific module:

Detailed information about the supported options and their possible values can be found in the Tools section and a complete example is available in Appendix A: Synfu example config .

If you don’t provide the absolute config path SynFU will search the following places in order:

  • ./synfu.config
  • /etc/synfu.config
  • /usr/local/etc/synfu.config
  • user specifed paths

Integration with INN

Since SynFu.News2Mail works as a drop-in replacement the only changes needed to the INN configuration is the removal of the old news2mail line and the addition of the following line to /etc/news/newsfeeds:

# Replace the default news2mail line with this one

Integration with Mailman (via Procmail)

To feed mailing lists through SynFu.Mail2News you need a working procmail setup [2]. Once things are in place just add the following line to filter and distribute all messages as needed:

# -------------------------------
# distribute messages using SynFU
# -------------------------------
:0 H:mailpost.lock
| synfu-mail2news
[1]The binary directory may vary depending on your OS, your distribution and your system configuration.
[2]The setup and configuration of procmail is beyond the scope of this document.

Task scheduling (via cron)

To setup SynFU.Imp for periodic task execution just add a line like the following to your favorite cron system:

# cleanup newsgroups file each day at 11:50pm - cron format
50 11 * * * news /usr/bin/synfu-imp --jobs=GroomNewsgroups -- >/dev/null